
Ranks and Organization

Every new recruit who has not yet attended a battle event is considered a probationary 'cadet'. When the cadet attends a trench battle, and his kit is inspected and approved by the unit commander, he is issued a Soldier's notebook and attached to a senior man who acts as a mentor for the first battle.

All other men of the lower ranks hold the rank of Ряадовой  ('raduvoy'), or private, and wear grey-green pogoni with white piping, no stripes, and buttons of horn or leather. Senior men who take on additional specialist roles (such as medic) are promoted to Ефрейтор  ('yefreitor') and wear one braid on their pogoni. The yefreitory stand at the first-most position in formation, and also lead fire teams of 2-4 men.

When a unit of squad strength (6-12 men) is available, the senior-most man is designated Mladshi Unter-Ofitser, and wears two braids on his pogoni. He is entitled to wear the NCO cockade on his cap, and commands the 1st squad.

When 13 men are available, they are divided into two squads,  squad 2 headed by a Mladshi Unter-Ofitser. The senior-most man is promoted to Starshi Unter-Ofitser ( with three braids) and leads the 1st squad and the whole platoon.

In the event that more two or more platoons can be raised, the senior-most man is promoted to Feldfebel, (company sergeant major). The feldfebel has other uniform considerations and is armed with a M1895 Nagant revolver and shashka. His pogoni have a single wide white braid, and may use white metal buttons with the Imperial eagle on them.

Rank Ratios as Proscribed by the GWHS and adapted for use by La Legion Russe
6 men (отделение) = 1 Mladshii Unter Ofitser
12 men (взвода) = 1 Ml. Unt. + 1 Starshi Unt. Ofitser
 20 men (взвода ) = 2 Ml. Unt. + 1 St. Unt.
 30 men (рота) = 3 Ml. Unt. + 1 St. Unt. + 1 Feldfebel
40-50 men (рота) = 4 Ml. Unt. + 1 St. Unt. + 1 Feld. + 1 Praporchik.
50 men and UP (рота) = 5 Ml. Unt.+ 2 St. Unt.+ 1 Feld. + 1 Prap.

Regimental Organization

полка. 'polka', or regiment
бригада. 'brigada', or brigade
рота. 'rota', or company
взвода. 'vzvoda', or platoon

отделение. 'otdelenie', or squad

Pogoni and Rank Braids for use by La Legion Russe

Pogoni from left to right:
1. Ряадовой (ryadovoy) 2. Ефрейтор (yefreitor) 3. Младший Унтер-Офицер (mladshi unter-ofitser) 4. Старший Унтер-Офицер (starshii unter-ofitser)  5. Фельдфебель (feldfebel) 6. Praporschik not shown.

Cap Cockades
Left: Enlisted men's cockade
Right: cockade for NCO's